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Wednesday, January 21, 2009

I did eyelash extension and highlighted my hair red for CNY today!! Hee. Will post up pics after I take nice 1s. Will be quite bz dis wk coz mittin up many frens since i'm free. Mittin Ah Ai tml, Huiyi n Xiurong on thurs n Sap n gang on fri. I left sat 4 some last min CNY shoppin wif family. Hee. Will be back wif pics soon...


2:00 AM

Friday, January 09, 2009

Dear's gone off le. *Sob sob* =( Now I will haf more time to blog. Wait 4 me to cme back!!


2:37 AM

Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Been back frm Batam trip 4 a few days. It's nt too gd a trip i guess. Shall nt complain here. Anyway, it was a hectic wk tryin to plan 4 da trip as well as packin n buyin things 4 my bf's yr long trip to London. Gosh. N now i'm on nite shift. Damn. But den again I'll be able to send him off on thurs since i'll be off. Gd lah. Sigh. I really how i can cope w/o him 4 a yr. Argh.


5:56 AM

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

yuner is currently on leave n goin to Batam wif her dear to Batam to countdown to 2009!! Woohoo!!! Ultimate 3hr spa is certainly gonna pamper her to max!! Will be back to update abt da trip. Muahahaha...


6:47 AM

Friday, December 05, 2008

Been missin frm da bloggin world 4 quite a while. Been missin frm family outings 4 a long time. Been unable to clear my messy n dirty rm 4 even a longer period of time. Dat is all bcoz i'm spendin loads of time wif my boy coz he's leavin in a mth's time to London 4 a yr. Yes 1 whole yr!! Can't help but feel kinda sad dat's he's leavin real soon coz all our activities tog will cease. Gosh. I will be left all alone during off days. No more goin out. No more watchin late nite movies. No more watchin movies tog at hme. No more huntin 4 gd food. No more chattin on da fone till wee hrs. No more playin games tog. No more laughter tog. Gosh! I duno how i'm gonna survive thru dis 1 yr. I'm so super lookin 4ward to mittin him there in London mid next yr once my leave is being approved to tour all ard!! So 4 da time being i will continue to go missin n spend all my time wif my dear till he leaves. My leave 4 last wk of Dec n mid Jan has been approved!! Woohoo! Juz in time to help him pack too n pack my rm 4 CNY! Haha.


1:57 AM